
I am Deeksha ,an embedded systems engineer with around 6 years of experience pertaining to firmware development, bootloader and device driver development.

I love writing ,however while I started blogging about my personal reflections years back- this blog is comparatively recent.

The point behind blogging was to keep a record of all the beautiful and not-so-beautiful experiences and moments of life – so I could re-visit them on my will, and understand how life evolves.This was the same idea with which I started this blog “Tech musings”. There are a number of everyday learnings on-job , some discoveries,some solutions that amaze you , help you and you want to share them across – so that others out there can benefit from your experiences.Small and insignificant (read experiences) they might be, you never know how they might help other person.I can say that , because for any and every answer I seek, my first impulse is to google it.And when I come across a post that provides me a step by step solution for my problem,there is nothing better than that.

Thanks for stopping by and taking time out to read.Hope it was of some help.

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