[EOTD] 16 Aug,2013 : Embedded Android -Karim Yaghmour

I had dropped a hint about a “great” e-book I was reading , in a previous post . I wanted it to be mentioned in a separate thread.

This one is one of the best books about Android I have read so far .Whenever I start studying about Android , all the books and resources offer almost on the similar lines : a brief 2 page history and then jump right into the source code.

I liked the way the books cover the “around ” of Android in first 2 -3 chapters- history , Google , licenses .It would seem like they are covered in all books – the topics.But this does not come as “academic book” for the first few chapters.Its like a person who has worked for years on Android , has seen its development is giving you a first hand account in person.Who was not just following the changes in Android , but all the developments taking place around it .I could not stop reading unless I had covered a few chapters in one go.

The book is available for sale on many online portals and here is the link to the ebook


Embbyte of the Day : 5 June , 2013

I am currently reading a great book – the details of which I’d reveal in a later post , however it did provide me the links to some very thought-provoking ( and debate-provoking) blog entries of James Gosling , popularly known as Father of Java programming language , around the time when Sun Microsystems was acquired by ORacle , and oracle sued Google over patents relating to use of Java in Android .

The two links are here and here .

Its amazing to see how passionate and emotional people can get when it comes to technologies, as I realize after reading the sentiments in comments section.It is not just these comments but also how people interact on the online forums .Let’s anyways save this discussion for later .

Happy Reading till then.

Android boot process from power ON

A very good link to understand the basic underlying process :

ENEA Android Blog : http://www.androidenea.com/2009/06/android-boot-process-from-power-on.html

For Linux booting:   http://www.simtec.co.uk/products/SWLINUX/files/booting_article.html#d0e600

Android Build system tips

1) make <your project specific options>  showcommands

will give you a detailed compilation and linking output on screen during build

2)For adding linker options specific to your module , add the options as following in your module’s Android.mk : (for an executable build)

PRIVATE_RAW_EXECUTABLE_LD_FLAGS := <your options here>